The board of Espurnes Barroques Foundation is made up by people of reference in their respective fields of action, and that have a strong vital and emotional bond with Baroque Territory, in center of Catalonia.
Jaume Badia Pujol
Philologist, from Callús, current general manager of the Fundació UPF, ex-manager of this university and ex-manager and deputy director of the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona). Close collaborator of Pasqual Maragall, both during his time as mayor of Barcelona and as President of Catalonia.
Pere Fons Vilardell
Project adviser and writer, living in Castelltallat (Bages). He was the general manager of the Fundació Universitària del Bages, manager of the UPF and manager of the innovation district 22@Barcelona.
Jaume Biarnés Digon
Chef, linked to Sant Llorenç de Morunys from childhood. He was part of the team of the restaurant El Bulli and he was the gastronomic manager of the Fundació Alícia. Nowadays, he is the manager of the Yondu Culinary Studio of New York.
Maria Garganté Llanes
Doctor of Art History, with roots in Sanaüja. Professor of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and of the Facultat Antoni Gaudí, with over a hundred publications, and member of the Grup de Recerca d’Art del Renaixement i del Barroc (UAB-UdG) and of the artistic advisory committee of the Sagrada Família Basilica.
Raül Garrigasait Colomés
Writer and Hellenist, born in Solsona, current president of La Casa dels Clàssics, a project originated in the Fundació Bernat Metge to promote the creation, the reflection and the dissemination of the universal classics.
Assumpció Malagarriga Rovira
Educator, musician and cultural manager born in Cardona, founder and manager, during 15 years, of the Servei Educatiu de l’Auditori, until a stroke touched her soul; her trajectory has been recognised with the Creu de Sant Jordi and the Medalla d’Or al Mèrit Cultural from the city of Barcelona.
Valentí Oviedo Cornejo
Cultural adviser, from Manresa, current general manager of the Gran Teatre del Liceu. He has been the manager of Manresana d’Equipaments Escènics, manager of L’Auditori de Barcelona and manager of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.
M. Victòria Quintana Trias
Businesswoman and marketing specialist. Linked to Callús (Rectory of Godmar). She has worked for Barcelona City Council, for advertising agencies and is an administrator of companies linked to the organization of events. Patron of the MACBA Foundation and is part of the board of the Maria Canals Competition.
David Sanclimens Solervicens
Secretary (non-patron)
Lawyer. Legal advisor and professor of the Fundació Universitària del Bages / Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.