In July 1998, a big forest fire razed around 30.000 hectares of forest and crops in Solsonès, Bages, Anoia and Segarra. Twenty years after the disaster, in 2018, some sparks of Baroque dimension were lighted. With its headquarters in the sanctuary del Miracle (where the most exuberant altarpiece of Catalonia is preserved), providing support to young talent and promoting entirely the rural environment, Espurnes Barroques wants to put a heritage full of surprises on the cultural map of the country.
Espurnes Barroques offers musical experiences of high qualities in Baroque settlements and singular landscapes from, mostly, small municipalities of Central Catalonia. The performances, usually of internal production, are always accompanied by a gastronomic tasting linked to the artistic activity.
During four weekends of May and June, between green and gold, Espurnes Barroques programmes a cultural marathon to enter —with a very affordable cost— a true Baroque festival, creating a unique privilege available to everybody.
The festival not only has visibility externally, but also, parallel to the concerts, it develops a nurtured programme of social and educational activities that are carried out taking advantage of the presence of performers in the territory.